Posted by Unknown
lunedì 28 novembre 2011
1 comment
Il 2012 sarà l'anno della definitiva consacrazione internazionale per i Maccabees. La band londinese ha già pronto il terzo album, "Given To The Wild", previsto per il 9 gennaio 2012.
In Inghilterra i loro concerti registrano sempre il tutto esaurito. Noi potremo gustarceli il 12 febbraio 2012 ai Magazzini Generali di Milano, unica data italiana.
Dal loro esordio, nel 2007 con l'album "Colour It In", ad oggi la band è cresciuta artisticamente, riuscendo a guadagnarsi una propria identità all'interno dell'affollata scena indie inglese, grazie anche e soprattutto alla loro efficace e riuscitissima reinterpretazione del genere new wave.
In attesa del loro nuovo LP e della loro esibizione in Italia, ci gustiamo il primo singolo estratto dall'album in uscita a gennaio, intitolato "Pelican" e andato in onda per la prima volta il 15 novembre sull'emittente radiofonica BBC 1. Buon ascolto...
Pelican, 2011
Testo canzone: The Maccabees - Pelican
So soon we, so soon we, so soon we too old to carry
And we knew we, and we knew we, and we knew we only had a little while
In the middle, in the middle, in the middle, just keep ticking over
Before you know it, before you know it, before you know, they pair and
And ooohhh
To have it all, to have it all, to have it all, and still want more
One thing's for sure, one thing's for sure, one thing's for sure, we’re all
getting older
So we take a lover, so we take a lover, so we take a lover, waitin’ in the
And before you know it, before you know it, before you know we’re pushing
up the daisies
And we’re going back to where we came from
For those we fall and those to come and owe is the effort
And the more
And again and again and again and again we go
In the end, in the end, in the end, nothing comes easy
So you find a way, so you find a way, so you find a way to take a little
with you
For the ones you love, for the ones you love, for the ones you love, are
there if they need to
The hero, the hero, the hero
They’re not coming with you
Go back to where we came from
For those we fall and those to come and owe is the effort
And the more
And again and again and again and again
So soon we, so soon we, so soon we too old to carry
And we knew we, and we knew we, and we knew we only had a little while
In the middle, in the middle, in the middle, just keep ticking over
Before you know it, before you know it, before you know they pair and pair
And go back to where we came from
For those we fall and those to come and owe is the effort
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1 commenti:
Bello il tuo blog <3
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